
June 28, 2010

Georgie's Picks #2

After the very cold weather here in Cape Town, we have been having some lovely sunny winter days (my favourite kind). Father's Day was one of these. We spent the day with family and in the afternoon we all took a stroll to the nearby park. That's where I took these pics of my beautiful niece, who is just wonderfully calm and poised in front of a camera.

Thank you gorgeous girl for always being such an amazing model for me!

PS. Georgie's Picks is where I share some of my favourite pictures.

June 25, 2010

Adam's Art Spot : Glove Puppets

Adam's Art Spot is Big One's space to share his wonderful art and craft ideas. This idea was inspired by Eric Carle's book, "Little Cloud" and by some wonderful Beleduc puppets that he saw at a toy exhibition we attended. 

After reading the book, Big One suggested that we make a cloud puppet using a hand glove and some cotton wool. So I purchased blue gloves (I was very pleased to find blue ones) and cotton balls. He then stuck the balls onto the glove using craft glue and allowed it to dry. As you can see, it made a very sweet cloud puppet, which he modeled so nicely. I then decided to make a little one for little brother, using a blue baby sock. Unfortunately he would not oblige by modeling his.

This idea has inspired some more hand puppets in our house, which I'll share with you in an up-and-coming post.

PS. I have linked this to StArt @ A Mommy's Adventures.

June 23, 2010

Love Connections (Cont.)

One of very first posts that I wrote was about love connections and I promised some more. You may recall that I spoke about life being so very busy and how important it is to find opportunities to really connect with our children in spite of the busyness. 

For me personally one of the best ways to really connect with my children, is with humour. I can get downright silly and I must say that the boys just LOVE it! Whether it's pulling funny faces; suddenly pouncing on them with tickles; or playing an exaggerated "I'm going to come and get you" game , all of these grab their attention and are received with great delight. I think it's in these kinds of moments that they think that I'm just the greatest! I love these moments too, as they often break the tension of the day that inevitably builds up as the day's busyness and tiredness set in.

In contrast to crazy silliness, quiet moments are good too. Sometimes one needs to be still and give a long, deep hug; a listening ear; or a kiss and a cuddle. These opportunities are always there. We just need to take them. 

Here are some more ways to quickly and effectively connect with your children.
  • Turn up the music and dance together!
  • Create a little ritual (like a secret handshake) and initiate it at any time.
  • When your child speaks to you, do your best to stop what you are doing, make eye-contact and acknowledge what they are saying.
  • Have a quick play-wrestle on the floor.
  • Give an extra long hug or snuggle.
  • Whisper a little love message in their ear.
  • Give a quick massage or back scratch - whatever they prefer.
None of these need take more than five minutes, but the effect on your relationship can be profound!

If you have any more quick love connection ideas, I would love to hear them. 

June 21, 2010


Over the years I have often heard my Afrikaans friends mention that they struggle to find good quality Afrikaans books and educational products. So today I am happy to tell you a little bit about Kinderwerf products. Kinderwerf offers the Loebi Book Club, recommended from 0 to 8 years of age; educational flashcards; terrific posters and some more. I think the posters are particularly nice for school classrooms. There are also a few English products available.

The Kinderwerf  website offers free activity pages to download and there is also a newsletter that you can subscribe to. So pop over and visit

If you have any questions or would like to order these products, please email Trudie at trudie(dot)vandyk(at)technovolve(dot)co(dot)za

June 15, 2010

Matchbox Fridge Magnets

I love photos; I love fridge magnets and I love convenience. These are all three in one! I really like the idea of a matchbox on the fridge. I also like pretty, so these are my pretty, super convenient, photo matchbox fridge magnets. The bonus is that they are really easy to make too.

I had small photographs printed onto matte paper. I then cut them to fit my matchboxes. I used modge podge to paste them onto the boxes and then painted a layer of modge podge over the pictures to protect them. Once dry, I stuck a strip of magnetic with glue to the back of each matchbox. All done.

These would also make super Father/Grandfather's day gifts and are easy enough for the kids to make. Have fun!

PS. I have linked this to Show and Tell @ ABC and 123

June 13, 2010

Georgie's Picks

I recall a few years ago my niece drawing a picture of the whole family. She included grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins. Everyone was in it. Everyone that is, except for me. When my sister-in-law asked her where Auntie Georgia was, she replied, "She's taking the picture!" That's where I usually am, taking the picture.

I have been taking photographs of friends and family for years now, but it has always been in a rather informal way. Last year however, I attached some pictures of Little One to a letter that I wrote to the Your Baby magazine ( To my surprise, the editor loved my pictures (and Little One of course) and the photographs inspired a cover! Little One was the cover baby in March this year. This vote of confidence is just what I needed and so my photography turned into something a little more serious. In 2009 Georgie Girl Photography was born. I really consider myself to still be a student and I charge accordingly.

Georgie's Picks will be a new regular feature, where I will pick some of my favourite pics and share them with you. For starters, I thought I would share some pics that inspired a cover. Enjoy.

June 7, 2010

Farmyard Fun!

On a recent Saturday we spent the morning at Gan Eden Nursery and Farm, just outside Durbanville. My lovely friend, Grietjie (Joyful Mama), arranged the outing and it really was terrific. The rain stayed away and we got to spend the morning with cows, feeding pigs, collecting eggs from inside the chicken coop, and chatting to horses!

We also had a tractor ride around the whole farm and after, we had tea, coffee and muffins while the children played on the tractors and swings. I had so much fun showing Little One the animals...up close and personal.

Farm and Survivor parties are offered at Gan Eden and having attended both in the past, I can highly recommend them as party options. The Farm also offers class outings, camping facilities and a function venue. For more information, check out gumbootparties.