
December 20, 2010

Sock Snowmen

Says one snowman to another: "Do you smell carrots? " :)

Sometime in the 1990's, a local shop here in South Africa sold the terrific American Parents magazine and I use to love buying them. One of my favourite copies was a December issue that had the most amazing Christmas crafts in it. I don't ever part with such great inspiration and ideas, so these have been safely kept in one of my many art-and-craft flip files for all these years! These very sweet snowmen are one of those crafts.

Little One has amused me so, by saying that they are "cool" (which they are:)) and "key-ute"! But, each time I leave him alone with them, he rips off their noses!

Hope you are having a great Christmas week.

PS. I'm linking this to  


  1. Wildly cute!!!!! These are exactly the kind of snow people you need... Ones that don't melt in all that sunshine. :)

  2. Thanks for coming by my blog! :) So glad I followed you back here! :)

  3. I tried making sock pumpkins at Halloween... but your snowmen are wayyyy too cute! Thanks for sharing at ABC123.


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