
October 10, 2011

Doctor's Kit

When your little one is particularly interested in a certain activity, book or even TV character, it's a great opportunity to extend that interest and add some other fun and learning activities. So while my Little One was focused on playing "Doctor Doctor", I had the chance to squeeze some learning in there too.

Without a doubt, playing this game is a great opportunity to teach and reinforce body parts (remember to include the not so common parts - ankles, soles of feet, wrists, forehead, etc.). It's also a chance to talk about being a Doctor and what they do, as well as different types of medical professionals (Paediatricians, Dentists, Nurses, Veterinarians - it's up to you how far you stretch this and of course how long you can maintain their interest). And, it's a great chance to talk about all those Doctor's tools in their medical kit!

Does your little Doctor own a medical kit? These are readily available in most toy stores, but some real-life additions to their kit is sure to be a big hit...some"ouch" powder, real syringes, a plastic scissors, old x-rays, a Nebulizer mask and tubing, real plasters (band-aids) and bandages, a small notepad and pencil for writing scripts...all add to the fun.

I added a variety of plastic containers to our kit and then filled them with some matching coloured smarties. Little One was motivated to open them all because of the sweeties inside, but opening them required some problem solving. One lid had to be pushed off/popped up, another unscrewed, another flipped open and so on. Of course this all required some good fine motor work, so little fingers get a work-out too. (PS. I have to add this little note...I only played this once with Little One, as I didn't want him to think that real medicine containers contain sweeties. Please always keep medicine containers far-far out of reach from innovative little people, who know how to pull chairs to counters and climb up to reach things!)

A super addition to some "Doctor Doctor" fun is a terrific little book - a golden book called Doctor Dan by Helen Gaspard. This has been one of Little One's favourites for a long time :).


  1. Unbelievably, ridiculously, amazingly cute!!!!!! I have several store purchased kits and none of them even come close to this! Love! I think these would make fantastic birthday gifts too!

  2. very cute, Georgia! I love that golden book. :)


  3. Hi Georgia - I am a fellow Capetonian, a new follower on your blog, thanks for the follow on Pinterest! I love your blog - we seem to share a passion for the creative! I hope you can pop over to my blog & say hi! I love the "doctor doctor" post very clever!see you soon :) Fiona

  4. What a great idea!!! We have a 'vet kit already' which we bought but some good ideas here for 'real life things' to add xxx

  5. Oh my goodness, your play Doctor Kit is so cute!! I will have to start saving some empty containers to make one of my own. And I LOVE your Band-Aid people form your prior post! :)

  6. That is ADORABLE!! What a clever idea!! I would love for you to link up at my TGIF Linky Party -

  7. These are SO adorable, I have no words! My daughter has Juvenile Arthritis and goes to the doctor OFTEN and we have to do home injections...she recently has been giving us all "boo boo shots" and we thought a doctor's kit was in order! :) I think I may just have to try this...SO much cuter than the commercial products! I'm a new follower from the Sun scholar Linky Party. If I do this I'll link back to your blog!

  8. This is a great idea! My kids love their Dr kit and I love how I can make some fun additions for them. Thanks for the inspiration. Visiting from ABC and 123 Learning. Vicky from Mess For Less

  9. What a wonderful idea! I think my little ones would love this. I'm pinning this one for future reference!

  10. Georgia, I love your Dr. Kit- I linked up to it today in my most recent post. Hope that's ok :)

  11. Ha. Found it on the very next page. Sorry.

  12. Cute Dr bottles! How did you make them all white? What is the + made out of?
    I am making a gift for my neice :)

  13. Dear Anonymous :)

    I covered them with white vinyl. The + is also vinyl. Happy creating! Georgia


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