
March 18, 2012

Mini Designer Bottle Top and Play Dough Cakes

Bottle tops + play dough = cakes...who would have thought?

These mini cakes were inspired by some very clever creations I saw at  Anne Farrell's blog. I thought of trying to make these with glue, but then realised that it would require some really fine precision gluing and both children wouldn't necessarily be in the mood for such sticky fingers. So play dough to the rescue :).

I have tried a few play dough recipes, but this is definitely one of my all time favourites. It is soooo easy to make and the best part - no stove required!

To create the soft icing colours, I added very little food colouring to the dough. The yellow was our "custard" filling and we used deep purple as our chocolate icing, because I (unfortunately) forgot to make some brown coloured dough. To make a soft chocolatey color, you can simply add a little bit of cocoa to the recipe.

The little beads make for pretty sprinkles to decorate the cakes - don't forget to also have some red ones to add as cherries or strawberries :). 

Wouldn't these make such a sweet addition to a small doll's tea party?

The play dough recipe, found via The Mother Lode

1 cup flour
2 Tbs cream of tarter
1 Tbs vegetable oil
1/2 cup of granulated salt

Add some essence for a nice aroma (orange, almond, peppermint)

Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and then add a cup of boiling water. Stir until combined and turn it out onto a floured board and knead until smooth. Colour can be added to the boiling water or at the kneading stage. I divide the batch in half and add the colouring at the kneading stage. When you divide it in half, there is enough for two nice hand-sized balls of dough. Just a tip - wear gloves when kneading - the food colouring does stain your skin and it isn't very easy to clean off. Store your dough in an airtight container. 

If you have never made play dough before, I really want to encourage you to give it a go. For many years I used store-bought dough and I have always disliked the artificial and overpowering smell. This dough is really wonderful :). 


  1. ohhhh these are so lovely and darling. JUST perfect for ANY party!!! NO JOKE--- I just took out a our huge playdough set for the kiddos about three minutes ago. :):) We use a similar recipe. I'm so surprised how long it lasts... it lasts forever!! Thanks for sharing your creative wonders... they always make me smile.

  2. I loved these cute play dough Cakes. they look so tempting. thanks for linking up at Kids Co Op

  3. These are amazing, they look great and must have been fun to make.

  4. I love this idea! what a great way to reuse those bottle tops. Saw your post on the imagination tree so thanks for linking up.

  5. Hi! This is awesome idea so I linked it to my recycle blog ( feel free to stop by! Cheers!


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