
April 23, 2013

Little World Play: The Aquarium

I saw this super idea over on another Mommy blog and knew we had to try it. (As soon as I find the link, I'll add it and give proper credit). If I recall correctly, they even added  water, but after making ours, I decided not to. It certainly made less mess I think, than if water had been added to the fun. :)

A few days earlier we had spent time on the beach and collected some nice shells and rocks and pebbles for the project. Little One absolutely loved collecting all the treasures and it was probably even more fun than making the aquarium. We used aquarium stones to line the bottom of the containers and also added some fake and real greenery from the garden. 
So here's our mini Aquarium.

The Nemo Exhibit.

Watch out Mr Diver, that Shark is close-by!

Can you spot the crab?

The Aquarium Restaurant.

The jellyfish tank.

In the corner of the picture, you may spot some penguins on rocks. 

This turtle reminds me of the real one we saw when we visited the Aquarium in 2010.


This was a fun activity and really quite easy to do. It could be a nice way to pass the time on a rainy afternoon this coming Winter. 

Till next time, have fun.

April 1, 2013

Egg Wobbly Heads

Do you have some plastic eggs lying around after the weekend? Here's a simple and fun activity to get up to with them. I saw this idea over at Parents magazine and Crafting in the Rain

Take some play dough and put it in the bottom of the more rounded part of the egg. With a permanent marker draw a funny face on it. Push it over and watch it wobble.

Happy playing :)