
January 19, 2013

2013 - Here we go!

Happy New year to all my readers! Belated I know, but January must be one of the busiest months of the year in my home - yours too? New Year and school holiday activities, then preparation for Back to School, followed by Big One's birthday (on the first day of School!), and Back to Work for me. So as you can tell, it's been pretty darn hair-raising over here :). To add to all that, Little One started at a new School this year. So that's my catch-up news and now onto a new year of Love and Lollipops. I hope you'll stay reading and join me on this happy ride.

To start the year off...remember Adam's Art Spot? I haven't posted one of these for awhile, so here's one of Adam's (a.k.a. Big One) holiday activities. Created and thought out by him.

Take some recycled cardboard and stick white paper to it. Draw some fun men or characters onto the paper and cut them out. Then take a paper clip and stick it to the back of the pictures. You then need attach some string to something high, like a curtain rail or a lamp on a shelf, and attach the other end to a lower item, like a toy basket, creating a zip-line. Now place your paper-clipped character onto the string and watch him zip all the way down.


Have fun! 

PS. Linking this to For the Kids Friday @ Sun Scholars