
{About Me}

Hi there!

I am so happy that you popped by. If it's your first time, I hope you will grab a cup of tea (or coffee) and stay awhile. :)

Just a little info about me, I'm a Mommy and Child Psychologist currently living in Pretoria, South Africa. 
Over and above running the household and raising my boys, I am also in part-time private practice. 

I really love educating, playing and creating with my children. Love and Lollipops is my little hobby (I don't have a regular posting schedule) and it has over the years evolved into a blog where I share mostly fun crafts and educational activities. 

We are all really busy,  so what I do my best to offer you here 
are activities that are not only fun, but are also very easy to duplicate. The crafts and activities I share do not require hours of preparation.

On the front page of the blog, there is an extensive tag/lable list,  so be sure to scroll down there to see if anything catches your eye.

 I really do love and appreciate feedback and comments and am happy to answer any questions you may have. You can contact me at gsetzer(at)mweb(dot)co(dot)za

Here on the blog I refer to my boys as "Little One" and "Big One". 
They are 6 and 13 years old.

Happy reading!
