
April 26, 2012

Blog Hop

There's this fun blog hop hosted by Happy Go Lucky, I Heart Crafty Things, Joy in the Jumble and Keeping Up With Kristi and this week I'm so lucky, I'm being spotlighted. So if you're visiting from the hop, WELCOME! I hope you will grab a cup of tea and enjoy the playfulness and creativity I (try to) share here.

Happy Go Lucky

I thought I would share some quick links to some fun posts here at Love and Lollipops: 

Thanks again for hopping by :). Happy reading!

April 24, 2012

Seussville {Bottle Top and Pom Pom Town}

Big Brother went off to camp for a few days this morning, so I thought it would be nice to have a few distractions for little brother. Truthfully, Little One will probably be fine - it's Mommy (that would be me) that might not be.

Anyhow, this project started off a few days ago with me encouraging the boys to make some "buildings" from bottle tops. Big One wasn't in the mood, but Little One loved the idea of using the gloopy glue again and he made some nice creations. I, of course, got completely carried away and created a whole town of buildings :). Right at the end, I decided to added some pom poms for a kind of "Dr Seuss effect".

Little One's creations...

The little buildings needed a place to go, so I took a large piece of cardboard and glued some colourful cardboard roads on to it and added the street markings with a correction pen. "Seussville" awaited Little One when he got home today. He really liked it and played and played...makes a Mommy's heart glad...and not having Big One around, just a little bit easier.

April 22, 2012

Earth Day Craft

I am an honest gal! And honestly, I had never heard of Earth Day until I started blogging. This year when I noticed all the Earth Day crafts, I decided to put on one of my favourite caps...the research one...and find out a little more about it. So here's what I found out:

Earth Day is a day on which events are held worldwide to increase awareness and appreciation of the earth's natural environment. Many communities around the world celebrate Earth Week, an entire week of activities focused on environmental issues. Earth Day is now coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network, and is celebrated in more than 175 countries every year. The origin of this day is credited to Gaylord Nelson, a former U.S. Senator, who after witnessing the devastation of the 1969 oil spill in Santa Barbara, California, called for an environmental  teach-in  on 22 April 1970. In 2009, the United Nations designated April 22 International Mother Earth Day and it is planned for this date in all years through till 2015.(Reference: Wikipedia)

If you have been reading for awhile, you will know that I like, no make that love bottle tops, and have shared quite a few bottle top crafts here at Love and Lollipops. So to celebrate Earth Day and in the spirit of recycling and looking after our beautiful planet, here's another bottle top craft for you :).

Till next time...happy recycling!

PS. Sharing this at:

April 20, 2012

Easy Chicken Craft

I found my inspiration for this sweet chicken craft in an old copy of the your family magazine. The template I used was actually meant for a hen beanbag, which I would have loved to have made, but wasn't brave enough to attempt. I enjoyed making a paper version though (far easier too!)

Did you know that the frilly part on top of the chicken's head is called a "comb" and the wobbly bit below it's beak, a "wattle"? Aren't those just the perfect names for those body parts :)? For a nice labeled photograph of the parts of a chicken, peck your way over to Farming Friends and there's lots of interesting information and print-outs about chickens at Enchanted Learning.

Till next time. 

PS. Sharing at:
 Show and Tell @ ABC and 123

April 16, 2012

The sweetest smelling Garbage Truck

At Christmas my hubby and I received some Lindt chocolate...mmm, don't you just love Lindt? I thought the papers were too pretty to throw away and they smell so good too.

If you have a little guy in your house, I'm willing to bet he loves the garbage truck. Ours comes on a Tuesday and I always say a small prayer that it will arrive before Little One has to go off to school. So when I suggested that we make a garbage truck, he was really keen. 

I cut out the truck beforehand and with the craft glue in hand and a little help on my part, Little One glued the pieces down to make the truck. Then the really fun part began - smelling and rolling the chocolate papers into balls and sticking them into the truck. All in all he enjoyed the activity and our sweet smelling garbage truck has claimed a spot on the fridge. :)

Till next time.

Sharing at: Show and Tell @ ABC and 123

April 11, 2012

Georgie's Picks {Sorta famous} and a Give Away Challenge update

I've overheard Big One say to some of his friends: "Do you want to be famous? My Mom can put you on her blog. "

That makes me smile.

So Big One thinks he's sorta famous :). This is one of his friends who kinda liked that idea...


And now...did you join me in the Give Away Challenge? How are you doing? Yesterday was Day 20 for me and I have managed to part with 65 things so far.  Things like linen, towels, jewelry, cutlery, crockery, toys and clothes. Tonight I tackle my clothing cupboard, so I know that I'll have lots more to add. If you have also been giving stuff away, please do let me know about your progress.

Till next time. 

April 7, 2012

Bunny and Tail Colour Match

I wasn't going to post again this weekend, but I couldn't resist sharing these bunnies that we made this morning and also linking it up to a fun Easter Linky Party (see below).

I used this sweet bunny template from Punkin Patterns to cut out a number of coloured bunnies. I then set up a little bunny tail station. Little One loved sticking the matching tails (pom poms) onto the bunnies and it was a good recap of all his colours. We also spoke a bit about the missing colours. His best part was squeezing out the glue - I had to pry the tube from his little hands :).

I love how these turned out. I think that there is so much you could do with them. I am going to use them as Easter gift tags and if there's time I might make some bunting for our Easter table tomorrow.

I'm sharing these at the Hippity Hop Easter Project Hop. To see lots more fun Easter ideas, just click on the button below.

PS. Also sharing at Show and Tell @ ABC and 123.

April 6, 2012

Easter garden Sensory box

 I whipped up this Easter garden sensory box for Little One yesterday. I added some coloured rice, Easter eggs, pom poms, some mini garden tools, planters, paper flowers and butterflies. I would have liked to have had a little watering can, but I couldn't find one, so we used our imagination :).

Little One first gobbled up some of the Easter eggs (of course!) and then got down to some playing.

To colour the rice, put it in a deep bowl and add food colouring and a little bit of water. Stir in well and keep adding until you are happy with the colour. Then spread it out to dry on a big tray. I put mine outside for a few hours and it dried easily. 

Wishing you and yours a very Blessed Easter weekend!